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流媒体 East '18: Teradek Talks New Contribution and 分布 Solutions

Teradek VP Sales Jon Landsman discusses live streaming problem-solving and new announcements at 流媒体 East 2018.

蒂姆·西格林:欢迎回到流媒体东部2018. 我是蒂姆·西格林, 流媒体杂志的特约编辑, 也是非营利组织“帮助我流”的创始执行董事. 今天我和来自Teradek的Jon Landman在一起. 琼恩,先告诉我们 ... 你介入了,挽救了我们的局面. 告诉我们我们之前遇到的问题是什么.

乔恩·兰德曼:嗯, what happens quite often when you get to a location that you have not scouted in the past, IT部门的人会递给你一根以太网电缆,然后说你可以走了, 开始流. What this provider forgot to mention is that it was a closed 网work that needed a password to get through their 网work in order to connect to the inter网.

蒂姆Siglin: It looked as though we were connected because we had an IP address.

乔恩·兰德曼:正确. 如你所见,你出不去.


乔恩·兰德曼:那么, the workaround that I was able to bring today was a new product that we've actually just released called the Link Pro, 它是WiFi网络后端的聚合集.


Jon Landman: What we actually did was bypass the inter网 that this location has provided and fed the cube and coder directly into the Link Pro over ether网, 然后通过多个蜂窝连接连接到互联网.

蒂姆Siglin: So, essentially, we're just completely bypassing the venue's connectivity.
乔恩·兰德曼:当然. 绝对.
蒂姆·西格林:正如我之前告诉别人的, 有没有变通的办法,比如你去麦当劳或者汉堡王. 即使在这些地方,你也必须点击“我接受”. 你知道? 条款和条件.
蒂姆·西格林:对. 启动画面. Is there a workaround with devices these days, or is that still sort of in the future?
Jon Landman: I have used, in the past, things that we call like a travel router. 你可以在亚马逊上以很便宜的价格买到. Basically, what they are is a very small router that gives you that splash screen.

蒂姆·西格林:事实上, I have one of those up in my room because I have three devices I wanted to connect and I connect through that.

乔恩·兰德曼:没错. 这个设备会显示开机画面, 然后是编码器, 比如Cube, 然后以太网是否会进入路由器, 或者WiFi接入路由器.

蒂姆·西格林:这是一个经验法则, it's always good to carry something like that so that you can get that midpoint access. Of course, assuming that you don't have your device, 这是 the cellular bonded back shadow.

Jon Landman: I would say that in the streaming world you can never have enough backups. 你拿着你的军刀, 你出现在你的位置, and you pray to the gods of streaming that you actually have a device that's going to get you where you need to be.

蒂姆Siglin:我们曾经携带VGA适配器,RGB适配器套件. Essentially now, what we're doing is carrying kits of connectivity adapters.


蒂姆·西格林:好的. 你们在展会上还展示了什么?

乔恩·兰德曼:我们基本上是在展示两种不同的解决方案. One for contribution to a switcher, and one for distribution from a switcher. 我们正在演示博尔特10K, 这是 our latest in the line of uncompressed zero delay wireless transmitters. 一万英尺是一条很长的路. We were recently doing a shoot from a helicopter down to the ground into a switcher that was switching with some other wireless cameras. 它确实打开了人们可以做的各种事情的大门. 零延迟意味着它与你所有的有线摄像机保持同步.

这就是我们在贡献方面所展示的. 分布, 正如我提到的, 我们发布了Link Pro, 这是, 再一次。, 带有后端蜂窝键的不可知WiFi路由器. 这就是蜂窝复用能力. 这样的东西的标准输出带宽是多少?

Jon Landman:我发现我们的网速大约是35-40Mbps. In the Link Pro that I have, I have two Verizon radios, a Sprint radio, and an AT&T广播.






Jon Landman:我知道在纽约有Verizon和AT&我是最强的两个,所以我肯定会用这两个模拟市民. If I was going to Denver for a job, I know that Sprint is really strong there.


Jon Landman:我会带一些Sprint模拟游戏. 我们自己生产调制解调器. 这些被称为节点.

蒂姆·西格林:对. 确定.

Jon Landman: If you were ever to look at a node, you'll notice something quite striking on them. As my Alabaman station called them, he said "Man, you've got some big ass antennas on that thing."

Those big ass antennas mean that I can reach cell towers much further away than a typical USB modem.

蒂姆Siglin: It's interesting that you say that because several years ago at 流媒体欧洲, 现在是流媒体论坛, 我们就阿拉伯之春进行了讨论. Some of the problems that the news crews had that were carrying the backpack transmitters that had the USB modems, 就在广场周围, 我想那是在开罗的解放广场, there was blocking of the cell service and there was a lot of overuse of the cell service on those towers. Those who had the ability to boost could actually jump to the next tower beyond, get the signal out. 本质上,这也是你赋予的能力.

乔恩·兰德曼:是的. 事实上,我们有一个总部设在美国的新闻机构. 一个带着背包去解放广场的三个字母的新闻机构. 不是我们的背包,而是另一家公司的. The Iranian government knows of this company and has actually shut the ports down on the servers that they're using.


Jon Landman: What they ended up doing was sneaking into the country with a small Cube with a single Node.


乔恩·兰德曼:这还不知道. What we are doing is sending to a server in Germany that's then relaying to a server in New York, 然后将其推送到解码器.

蒂姆·西格林:对. 好吧.


蒂姆·西格林:当然. 确定. 确定. 确定.

乔恩·兰德曼:我们不喜欢谈论这个问题. 这些都不是真的. 这些都不是真的.

蒂姆·西格林:是的. 正确的. 完全.




蒂姆·西格林:好的. 好了,乔恩,非常感谢你的时间. 我们很感激.

乔恩·兰德曼:我的荣幸. 谢谢,伙计.


Teradek的Link Pro双肩包提供增强型多输入, 多输出)蜂窝连接, 加上键合蜂窝的可靠性, 连接到Teradek强大的Link WiFi接入点, and all rolled together in a backpack powered by your choice of V-Lock or 3-stud battery.
流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin interview GigCasters' Casey Charvet at 流媒体 East 2018.