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Real Time in the Real World:
Ultra-Low Latency Streaming for Sports,
的电子竞技, iGaming, 及互动活动
Delivering large-scale streams in real time is much easier said than done, but it's mission-critical for a number of high-stakes, monetized streaming applications from sports betting to auctions to esports to branded event streams that promise a high degree of user interaction. And while five-nines in real-time may sound to many like too high a mountain to climb, many outfits are delivering real-time streams reliably and profitably. Join key tech providers whose solutions make real-time streaming possible, along with successful streamers who have pulled off real-time streams in the real world for essential insight and best practices on how you can overcome the many obstacles and succeed with real-time.

Gcore is the global edge AI, cloud, network, and security solutions provider. 总部设在卢森堡, with a staff of 600+ operating from ten offices worldwide, Gcore provides its solutions to global leaders in numerous industries. The company manages its own global IT infrastructure across six continents, with one of the best network performances in Europe, 非洲, 及拉丁美洲, due to the average response time of 30 ms worldwide. Gcore's network consists of 180+ points of presence around the world in reliable Tier IV and Tier III data centres, with a total capacity exceeding 110 Tbps.

Join our webinar to discover:
– CDN and Cloud Evolution: Adapting to the growing demand for Ultra-Low-Latency video streaming.
—边缘计算 & AI: Enabling ultra-low latency delivery.
– Scaling 在线直播: Cost-Effective low-latency infrastructure solutions.

Alexey Petrovskikh

HESP联盟 brings together streaming video vendors and media companies to provide superior online video quality of experience at reduced cost through standardizing and advancing the High Efficiency Streaming Protocol (HESP) and marketing of HESP solutions.

Join our webinar to discover:

– The power of the High Efficiency Streaming Protocol (HESP) for reliable ultra-low-latency streaming at scale.
– How real-time streaming at scale enhances ROI and viewer engagement in sports betting, iGaming, 现场拍卖.
– HESP-ready solutions for effortless implementation of ultra-low latency live streaming at scale.


主流化 is an Intelligent Media Delivery company with solutions to tackle the challenges of broadcasters and OTT providers and deliver exceptional video experiences with sustained video bitrate, ultra-low rebuffering rates and faster video startup, especially on live streaming at scale. Their technology gives back control over the video delivery process, 保证可靠性, 提高服务质量, and generates measurable financial and environmental returns.

Join our webinar to discover:

– How CDN routing orchestration underpins reliable low latency delivery.
– What time to first byte performance tell us about the value of being close to the viewers.
– How CDN intra-Edge communication enables scalable low latency performance.

通道 & 合作伙伴负责人

nanocosmos is a Berlin-based company with 25 years of experience in the audio/video industry. The flagship product nanoStream Cloud is an industry reference for reliable B2B interactive live streaming on any device. With pioneering advancements and milestones like ultra-low latency live streaming on any device and browser, with adaptive bitrate playback, stream protection and data driven live streaming, nanocosmos continues to hold its strong position in multiple market segments for interactive live streaming.

Join our webinar to discover:

实时流: Learn why a comprehensive approach is essential for real-time streaming, beyond just protocols
交互式用例: Explore diverse applications—from live gaming to townhalls—and their specific streaming needs, 提高用户参与度
未来趋势: Stay ahead with insights into emerging technologies like HTTP3, QUIC and Webtransport and others shaping the future of real-time streaming.


Don't miss this live event on Thursday, June 6, 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET.

现在注册 to attend the Tech Talk webinar Real Time in the Real World: Ultra-Low Latency Streaming for Sports, 的电子竞技, iGaming, 及互动活动.