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Tutorial: Applying Looks and Matching Shots in Adobe CC

最近升级到Adobe CC可以很容易地在Adobe Premiere Pro CC中应用分级外观,并通过Premiere Pro CC和SpeedGrade CC之间的无缝往返匹配不同色温的镜头.

Back in May, Adobe added Lumetri Looks to Premiere Pro CC. 就在最近, they released another update to the Creative Cloud Suite, and this one provided a streamlined workflow between Premiere Pro and SpeedGrade, the color grading application acquired from Iridas, 在这次升级之前,它还没有通过与应用程序的直接链接享受到与Premiere Pro的往返功能.

For those that aren’t comfortable with color grading by the traditional means, Lumetri Looks和SpeedGrade使它非常简单地做一些相当整洁的颜色调整,而不需要大量的训练或大量的时间投入.

Using Lumetri Presets in Premiere Pro

开始使用这些工具的最简单方法是在Premiere Pro中使用Lumetri预设,而您以前没有使用过. 如果你以前在Premiere Pro中应用和自定义过效果,这看起来应该很熟悉.

开始, add a clip that you want to color-grade to the timeline, then go to the Project panel and select the Effects tab. 在那里你会找到Lumetri Look. Click the disclosure triangle and you’ll see four different categories: Cinematic, 稀释, 风格和温度. When you select any of these folders, Premiere Pro将向您展示文件夹中一些效果的快速预览(下面的图1).

图1. The 4 categories of Lumetri Looks in the Premiere Pro CC Effects panel, with a preview of two looks in the Style folder.

For this example we’ll work with a Bleach Bypass look found in the Cinematic folder. 漂白剂旁路外观, found in many color grading plug-ins and effects collections, is always a popular look with cinematic projects. Just 和其他效果一样, we simply drag it over to a clip to apply it, as shown in 图2(下面), and the look of the clip changes instantly.

图2. A Bleach Bypass look clicked, dragged, and applied. Click the image to see it at full size.

Ads you can see from the red line above the graded clip, the clip needs to be rendered. But if you do play it, you can see pretty well in real-time what it’ll look like. 和, 和其他效果一样, 你总是可以通过在效果控制中打开和关闭效果来进行A-B,这样你就可以比较前后剪辑的外观.

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