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Tutorial: Saving Custom Titles and Title Templates in Premiere Pro CC

这里有三个快速的技巧,将简化你的标题工作流程在Premiere Pro中,当你创建你喜欢的风格,并希望使用他们一致,而不是每次重新发明他们.

在本教程中,我们将介绍与Adobe Premiere Pro标题一起使用的三种技术.

Saving a Title Style

The first is saving a title to a Title Style. 这可能是因为你喜欢你所做的工作,也可能是因为客户说, “I want to use that going forward.不管怎样, you click the text, click to open the pull-down in the lower-right corner of the Title panel, and choose New Style (图1, below).

图1. Select New Style to save the style. Click the image to see it at full size.

When the New Style dialog opens, give your new style a name (图2, below),单击确定,Premiere Pro将其放在标题样式库的底部. To move it to the top, as you can with any style, just drag it over to the new position, and Premiere Pro puts it where you want it (图3, below 图2).

图2. Naming your new style.

图3. Your new style at the forefront of your Title Styles library.

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