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Corporate/Commercial Video

NewTek Ships Sub-$5k TriCaster 40 Multi-camera Live Production System

TriCaster 40为需要全分辨率的广播公司和制作人创造了一个新的切入点, HD, multi-camera live production and streaming capabilities, at a breakthrough price
特色 新闻, Posted 29 Aug 2012

SmallTree Intros GraniteSTOR Titanium4 Storage System

All-in-one Ether网-based shared storage solution starts at $7,345, 为需要共享访问媒体文件的专业视频编辑服务,无论是在他们的家庭工作室还是在路上
特色 新闻, Posted 29 Aug 2012

Canon Announces EOS C100 Digital Video Camera with $7999 MSRP

The C100 digital video camera is a compact, 入门级型号,提供完整的1920x1080 AVCHD视频,并与佳能EF的70+变焦和定焦镜头兼容, EF-S and EF Cinema lens lineups; new digital cinema cameras also available
特色 新闻, Posted 29 Aug 2012

Atomos Showcases Ninja-2 and Samurai Field Recorders at IBC

在阿姆斯特丹举行的年度大会上,参观者将能够亲身体验忍者-2和武士使用尼康最新的D800和D4单反相机, 索尼FS100, FS700 and F3 camcorders, Canon C300 and XF305, JVC 750 and the RED Epic.
特色 新闻, Posted 22 Aug 2012

Tutorial: Multicamera Editing in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6

在本视频和文本教程中,Luisa Winters解释了如何使用新的和增强的多摄像头监视器,以便在Adobe Premiere Pro CS6中快速高效地进行多摄像头编辑.
Sponsored 文章, Posted 02 Aug 2012

Review: Nikon D800 DSLR, Part 2: Usability and Image Quality

In Part 1 of this two-part series on the Nikon D800, 我考察了D800数码单反相机作为摄像机的操作和功能. 现在, 在第2部分, I'll share some usability notes, 报告一些音频和视频测试的结果(带有测试片段)将D800与另一款备受推崇的单反相机进行比较, 松下GH2——看看一款价格较低但功能强大的单反相机能否与优质玻璃媲美——以及一款更传统的消费级摄像机.
特色 文章, Posted 31 Jul 2012

插图的编号1.2 for Apple FCP X 现在 Available Through FxFactory

使编辑器用动画检查表插件突出显示镜头的特定部分,用于描述屏幕上的图像, and Glossy Shapes plugin for adding arrows, mouse pointers, 星星, think bubbles, 和更多的
特色 新闻, Posted 25 Jul 2012

Switronix Ships Recon Wireless Transmission System for HD Video

低成本, high-efficiency system transmit uncompressed, 150英尺以上的高清视频传输到任何现场监视器延迟时间小于1毫秒, making it ideal for real-time viewing
特色 新闻, Posted 25 Jul 2012

Review: Sony NEX-FS700 Large-Sensor Camcorder

作为一款顶级的大型传感器,索尼NEX-FS700有很多值得推荐的地方, 可更换镜头的摄像机,以及值得升级的索尼FS100的继承者. And it's 4k support and 10x slo-mo are nothing to sneeze at. But what makes it the best camera in the market for webcast producers?
特色 文章, Posted 23 Jul 2012

Review: Nikon D800 DSLR Camera, Part 1

In this two-part series, 我们将研究尼康备受推崇的D800数码单反相机作为摄像机的表现, in terms of operability and functionality. 在第二部分, 我们将报道一些音频和视频测试,将D800与另一款备受推崇的单反相机进行比较, and to a more traditional prosumer camcorder.
特色 文章, Posted 23 Jul 2012

From Slides to Tape to Streaming: Nordwin Alberts, Moving Stills

荷兰电影制作人诺德温·阿尔伯茨在26年的专业制作生涯中与各种媒体合作过, 从静态和多投影仪幻灯片到基于磁带的编辑和DVD交付的过渡. 今天, streaming is the medium of choice for his industrial, 促销, and experimental films; here's a look at how his work and workflow have evolved.
特色 文章, Posted 19 Jul 2012

DVEO Intros First Real-Time Commercial HDMI to HD-SDI Converters

DVEO HD Spigot converters feature dual outputs and are fully compatible with SMPTE-259M and SMPTE 292M; supported resolutions include 1080p, 1080i, 1035i, 或720p高清
特色 新闻, Posted 17 Jul 2012

Panasonic Launches New Line of Faster P2 Solid-State Media

New F series, immediately available, 支持录制高达AVC-Intra Class 200的AVC-ULTRA编解码器家族,包括64GB, 32GB and 16GB P2 cards
特色 新闻, Posted 17 Jul 2012

KnowledgeVision Brings Presentation Video Versatility to YouTube Users

YouTube视频现在可以增强高级交互功能,包括同步演示幻灯片, clickable reference links, 导航, searchable transcripts, and social media widgets
特色 新闻, Posted 17 Jul 2012

Tutorial: proDAD Heroglyph V4 PRO

In this new video tutorial, 屡获殊荣的摄像师和长期视频编辑教练Philip Hinkle提供了proDAD最新版本的关键新功能的深入研究, Heroglyph V4, 一个强大的解决方案,视频制作人希望生产创意和引人注目的标题, 预告片, and video walls.
特色 文章, Posted 07 Jul 2012

HD Webcasting with the Sony NEX-FS100

本系列关于网络直播视频制作的第2部分主要介绍索尼的NEX-FS100大传感器摄像机,以及通过固件升级增加的新功能(其中包括)使其与索尼的LA-EA2镜头适配器兼容. 虽然它没有FS700那么强大的网络直播摄像头(评测即将发布), it still has much to recommend it.
特色 文章, Posted 07 Jul 2012

Matching Tone to Content in Online Commercial Video

How important is setting the proper tone in corporate, 商业, and educational online video storytelling? It's paramount, says Glenn Zimmerman of Manhattan's Mad Bear Productions, 在他最新的教学剪辑中,他解释了如何将你的工作的语气与设计要传递的信息相匹配.
特色 文章, Posted 27 Jun 2012

Tutorial: 3D Title Creation With NewBlue FX Titler Pro

David McKnight探讨了NewBlueFX Titler Pro的功能范围,允许编辑器产生创造性的标题效果, 动画, 和挤压沿3D平面使用手动控制和主机的预设样式和模板.
特色 文章, Posted 26 Jun 2012


本教程介绍了如何安装和配置ViewCast的双通道鱼鹰820e卡($1),795 MSRP; as low as $1,400街)进入一个Windows系统驱动两个摄像头在电视直播, 并讨论了该板的高功能实用程序集和SimulStream特性, 它允许将音频和视频流馈送到多个编码应用程序.
特色 文章, Posted 18 Jun 2012

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