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Epiphan Pearl ($4,875 list) is a small, dual-input, 触摸屏驱动的视频录制和流媒体设备,用于讲座或演示文稿捕获. 本教程详细介绍了如何使用Pearl流式传输和捕获演示文稿.
Featured Articles, Posted 06 Jan 2015

AJA: HD and 4K Production

AJA产品经理Eric Norrell概述了AJA用于高清和4K制作的关键产品和应用, post-production, and streaming, 同时还介绍了集成解决方案,包括像vMix Thunder这样的AJA设备.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 02 Jan 2015

AJA Ships CION 4K Camera

符合人体工程学和轻量级的设计与无与伦比的连接, CION is capable of shooting at 4K/UltraHD and 2K/HD resolutions
Featured News, Posted 29 Dec 2014

Gearing Up for 4K Production, Part 2: Cameras and Lenses

在我们关于4K现场制作的3部分系列的第2部分中, 我们将探索目前可用于专业4K制作的相机和镜头.
Featured Articles, Posted 29 Dec 2014

Do's and Don'ts for YouTube Publishers

Featured Articles, Posted 29 Dec 2014

直播制作解决方案,第2部分:Sony Anycast Touch

在本系列关于直播的生产解决方案的第1部分中, 我们着眼于现场制作难题的两个关键部分:摄像机和音频. 在这里,我们将看到一款为现场制作人将所有这些联系在一起的产品:索尼Anycast Touch.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 22 Dec 2014


In this 2-part series, 我们将重点介绍一些工具,当你为网络提供内容时,你可以作为内容创作者使用, 在这第一期开始与相机和专业音频设备.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 22 Dec 2014


我们将以两种4K格式开始这个由3部分组成的系列,并讨论为什么即使大多数观众和潜在客户都不要求4K,你仍然想要在今天拍摄4K, 并开始检查4K直播生产链中的环节,着眼于连接性, codecs, and capture.
Featured Articles, Posted 22 Dec 2014


In Part 1 of this three-part series, 我们着眼于有效的在线视频营销在概念上的内容创作, strategizing stage. The next step, 在你决定要创建什么类型的内容之后, 是开始考虑前期生产和生产周期吗.
Featured Articles, Posted 22 Dec 2014


In this three-part series on developing, delivering, and leveraging online video for marketing purposes, 在第一部分中,我们将从如何为市场视频创建内容开始.
Featured Articles, Posted 15 Dec 2014

Review: proDAD Mercalli Version 4 SAL+

The new version of proDAD's popular video stabilization solution, Mercalli V4 SAL + works really well, and has grown into more than just a stabilizer, adding CMOS correction to remove the jello, wobble, and skew distortions caused by modern CMOS sensor cameras. Essentially it is two products in one.
Featured Articles, Posted 09 Dec 2014

Review: Paladin flypack

Smaller and smaller is the direction of mobile video production, and now video mixer, playback, recording, 流媒体服务都被塞进了越来越小的盒子里. Today I take a look at the Paladin Flypack, a Windows-based, portable production system by Paladin Innovators.
Featured Articles, Posted 09 Dec 2014

视频回顾:G-Tech G-RAID Studio和G-Speed Studio Thunderbolt 2 RAID存储解决方案

In this article and the accompanying video, 我们将看看两种不同形式的新G-Tech Thunderbolt 2解决方案,它们为需要RAID存储的视频工作室提供了出色的解决方案.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 08 Dec 2014

How to Become an Audio-Mixing Ninja

Featured Articles, Posted 30 Nov 2014

How to Produce an All-Day Webcast

本文将讨论晨星公司每年为其个人投资者会议举办的全天网络直播, going through the decisions made in pre-production, the vendors selected, and the workflow, 并分享一些建议,读者可以在你的网络直播制作中使用.
Featured Articles, Posted 25 Nov 2014


Featured Articles, Posted 17 Nov 2014

教程:在iZotope RX4高级剪辑之间匹配环境声音

如何使用环境匹配自然声音匹配功能在iZotope RX4高级修复不均匀的环境音频跨多个剪辑和场景, using examples from Jason Prisk's new indie film, Crimes and Mister Meanors.
Featured Articles, Posted 10 Nov 2014

Review: Adorama Flashpoint CL-1300 LED Panel Light

Adorama's Flashpoint 1300 LED Panel light is powerful, 灵活,功能齐全,作为一个独立的灯,可以很容易地集成到两个和四个灯面板,如果需要出现.
Featured Articles, Posted 05 Nov 2014

How to Create a Dynamic Corporate Identity Video

看看obio总裁兼首席执行官2014年百家乐软件app最新版下载直播会议的新预告片, How to Create a Dynamic Corporate Identity Video!
Featured Articles, Posted 01 Nov 2014

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