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同位素rx3 vs. Adobe Audition, Part 2: Noise and Reverb/Echo Reduction

在最后一轮音频编辑冠军同位素rx3和Adobe Audition CC之间, we compare the two audio editors in noise reduction and reverb/echo reduction.

Back at you in our second installment of 同位素rx3 vs. Adobe Audition CC. For those of you who didn’t read 原文, this isn’t a full review of the two programs, 只是关注程序解决视频制作者经常遇到的音频问题的能力. In the first article, I compared declipping and crackle-and-pop removal, and found that iZotope was particularly strong in the latter. 在最后一轮,我比较了两种音频编辑器在降噪和混响/回声减少.


Unless you’re working in a studio, or have exceptionally good audio recording gear (or both), background noise is a frequent issue. 在这里, I’m talking about steady ambient noise, like that from fluorescent lights, 设备的嗡嗡声, 白噪声, 诸如此类. 麦克风嗡嗡声是由其他过滤器和随机噪音,如汽车喇叭或电话铃声通过弹出和点击删除类型的功能.

RX3和Audition在消除噪声时的工作原理类似,大多数噪声消除功能也是如此. 这是, first you identify the offending noise in the waveform, which is what I’m doing with the selection in the waveform in 图1(下面). 然后启动适当的过滤器(RX3中的降噪),调整设置,预览和处理. 虽然Audition和RX3都有自适应功能,理论上可以为你检测噪音, I prefer to manually select the noise so I’m sure what’s being removed.


图1. Denoising in iZotope RX3. (Click the image above to see it at full size.)

在这里’s my typical workflow for noise removal, which I followed with both programs.

  1. Identify noise in the waveform. This is called the Noise Print in Audition.
  2. 运行过滤器. 调整设置(通常是减少滑块或类似的控制),以达到降噪和引入伪影之间的最佳平衡. 通常, you can remove noise up to a point, after which you start introducing artifacts into the audio file, and the cure become worse than the disease. This tradeoff is highly subjective and idiosyncratic; a point you should make to a client when you first share your work with them. What you find ideal may be unacceptable to someone with a different ear, 在这种情况下,你应该让他们在房间里为他们的耳朵选择最佳的折衷方案.
  3. Preview while toggling the filter on and off. This is the Bypass button on the bottom left of the iZotope Denoise screen.
  4. 预览“只有噪音”.” This is the Output noise only checkbox on the lower right of the Denoise screen. 当你勾选这个方框, 和预览, iZotope plays only the noise that the filter is about to remove. 如果您听到任何演讲或其他音频,您想在此预览期间保存在文件中, some distortion is likely.

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